A Pennsylvania Keystone STAR 4 Program - the highest level of quality

Elementary Before and After Programs:

Pearl Buck Elementary School

Tawanka Elementary School

Walter Miller Elementary School

Elementary Before and After Programs with Middle

School Care:

Albert Schweitzer Elementary – Carl Sandburg Middle School

Herbert Hoover Elementary – Maple Point Middle School

Joseph Ferderbar Elementary – Poquessing Middle School

Care Offerings

School Year 2021-2022

Full Time Monthly Rate

( 4-5 Days/week)

AM Care- $180

PM Care- $222

Both AM/PM Care- $378

Part Time Monthly Rate

 Monthly tuition is based on number of days scheduled  (1-3 Days/week). Part time care must be signed up each month in advance using the monthly calendar option.

AM Care: $11.50/ Session

PM Care: $15.50/ Session

Drop-In Daily Rate

Drop in care tuition is a daily rate. *Registration and 24 hour notice required- must call our main office (confirmation required for PM Care)*

AM Care: $15

PM Care: $30


Registration Fees

$100 per child

$150 per family (multiple children)


$50 per child

$75 per family

In Service Days

Full Day Care (7am – 6pm) provided at Herbert Hoover and Joseph Ferderbar

$45 per child

*Register online at least  2 weeks prior*

November: 2, 24

December: 10


February: 22

April: 11, 12, 13

May: 17